Bread & Surgeries

A chronicle of a surgeon's attempts to make great bread and other goodies

Location: MA, United States

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Next up in the BBA Challenge is Brioche - a yeast bread made with lots of egg and butter.  Reinhart gives three recipes with varying amounts of butter ranging from a full pound to one stick.  I decided on the "middle-class" version with a half pound of butter.

After the usual sponge and kneading (this time almost all in the mixer), I spread it on a half sheet and popped it into the refrigerator overnight.  The next day I decided to make two small loaves and some cinnamon rolls out of the dough.

The smell of butter while these were baking was amazing!  I can't imagine what the "rich man's brioche" is like.  They turned out beautifully, and the cinnamon rolls were a big hit with the kids.

This bread really shines when it is toasted.  I know it's probably overkill, but I did put some butter on top too!

Overall, I liked brioche.  The dough is a bit hard to handle, but the end product is quite delicious.  Thusfar, the BBA hasn't had any recipes I didn't like, but if I had to put them in order, I would rank them like this:

1 - Bagels
2 - Anadama
3 - Artos
4 - Brioche


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