Bread & Surgeries

A chronicle of a surgeon's attempts to make great bread and other goodies

Location: MA, United States

Sunday, January 02, 2011

BBA Challenge: Ciabatta

OK, I got through this one.  I thought I followed the instructions to the letter, but something went awry.  The bread turned out fine - it was moist, edible, and toasts up beautifully - but it was not the ciabatta I was hoping for with those big holes and chewy crust.  Don't get me wrong, it was good.  Real good, even.  But not quite there.

The poolish

The dough after mixing

After shaping, I put the loaves into a couche I made out of (well laundered) scrup tops!

The ciabatta

As I mentioned, this one disappointed a bit, and it was the first of the BBA breads I wasn't blown away by.  I'll make it again with more hydration and more rest next time,  but for now it is on to the next: cinnamon buns!!


Blogger Frieda Loves Bread said...

I had to make this bread twice, as I also missed the holes in the first bread. You will want to have a higher hydration level. The dough will be very sticky and you don't want to handle it very much. Hope you give it another try!

January 14, 2011 at 12:29 PM  

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